Quick IM Practice - 1400m - Advanced

For those who want to work on their IM pace. This quick set will take you through the 4 strokes of the IM individually and bring it together for a final IM full stroke before cool down.

Required equipment for this session

Warm up

200m Front Crawl Warmup

200m Front Full Stroke @ 45 seconds rest

A steady warm up to get the muscles loose.



Main Set

1000m - All Strokes - Advanced Set

4 x 50m Butterfly @ 20 seconds rest

4 x 50m Backstroke @ 20 Seconds rest

4 x 50m Breaststroke @ 20 seconds rest

4 x 50m Freestyle @ 20 seconds rest

1 x 200m IM Full Stroke and order

Cool Down

4 x 50m Front Crawl @ 30 seconds rest

Slow stroke to stretch out the muscles and bring the heart rate down.