Goal Setting for Enhanced Performance

Setting goals is essential for improving overall performance, both in swimming and in life. At Trackaswim, we provide the tools to create specific goals for each stroke. This focused approach should be your main priority during both land-based and pool training sessions.

Benefits of Setting Goals:

  1. Clear Focus:
    • Helps you stay on track and work towards specific achievements.
  2. Motivation:
    • Keeps you driven and committed to your training regimen.
  3. Progress Tracking:
    • Allows you to monitor improvements and adjust strategies as needed.
  4. Personal Development:
    • Encourages discipline and perseverance, fostering overall growth.

By setting and pursuing well-defined goals, you can enhance your training, stay motivated, and achieve more in your swimming career.

How Trackaswim Helps:

By allowing you to set a goal for each stroke, Trackaswim ensures you remain focused on what needs improvement. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, we limit goals to one per stroke at a time. Having too many goals can be counterproductive and lead to burnout.

Getting Started with Goals:

Begin by consulting your coaches. They can provide guidance on what is actionable and achievable within your training sessions. Setting realistic goals is crucial for maintaining motivation and avoiding demoralisation. Remember, small steps lead to big success! By taking this approach, you can enhance your training, stay motivated, and achieve more in your swimming career.

Individual Goals

Each goal you establish will target enhancing your performance in a specific stroke and distance. We recommend setting between three to five goals at a time, allowing you to concentrate all your efforts on achieving them effectively.

Our goal setup screen includes an option to add up to five steps to help you focus and achieve your goals. While these steps are optional, they can serve as valuable reminders of what to work on.

For example, if improving your dive is key to achieving a better time, you might include steps such as keeping your head down, reacting quicker to the starting beep, or trying a different foot position on the blocks.

Benefits of Using Steps:

  1. Clear Focus:
    • Break down your goals into manageable actions.
  2. Targeted Improvement:
    • Focus on specific aspects that need enhancement.
  3. Progress Tracking:
    • Monitor and adjust your approach based on these steps.

Use these five steps to guide you toward achieving your goals more efficiently and effectively, ensuring steady progress and improvement.